Aramean Citizens - Revitalizing Our Heritage

• Chashah: a people deriving from Northern Ethiopia who worship የወወህ,
and no other elohim/ god. 2) a people who quietly stand still for instructions
from የወወህ. 3) a royal citizenship identified as Chashah Bet Ezra'El.
4) a powerful people of የወወህ.
It is imperative to acknowledge that Chashah are a people
from Ethiopia, not a religion.
The Chashah Bet Ezra'El Ethiopian populace was compromised and dismantled into tribal identities after destruction of the Axum Empire, and was further imposed with involuntary exonyms as the Bilen & Saho from Eritrea, the Irob/ Gurage/ Tegaru from Tigrai, the Qemant & Agau from Gondar, and the Muhamasheen from Yemen. The Chashah were not distinguished as tribal communities until the Axum Empire annihilation, which admission of the word 'Empire' indicates ownership as the Chashah being amalgamated with a people deriving from a great kingdom. And in the current day, we have inevitably maintained our customs and existence of Axum.
Read about: The Chashah are not Muslim
Read about: History of the Chashah

SANBAT Rest Days in FEBRUARY 2025 are on THURSDAYS (February 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th)
• Qeddase Prayers - The Chashah Kahan pronounces prayers of the Oriteka seven (7) times per day.
The initial time to pronounce is immediately after bowing to የወወህ at sunrise, or when arising to start the day. The pronouncements are as followed:
Mesraqa at sunrise
Ne’u Nesged at 1100am (D500)
Maharanna at 1200pm (D600)
Qeddus at 330pm (D930)
Mahari at 430pm (D1030)
Yetbarak at 530pm (D1130)
Basalameka at bedtime
Business Hours
-US Mountain Standard-
•Business Hours: 8am-4pm
Sanbat (Day of Worship) •Once Per Week Closed
for Business
•Amended Monthly
•Calculated by Moon
SANBAT Eve begins at 3pm (D900), work must cease at 2pm in preparation of SANBAT.
We Honor የወወህ and his word in the Orit.
Isaiah 43:11 “I, yes I, am የወወህ; besides me there is no deliverer.”
Ezekiel 20:19-20 “I am የወወህ your Mighty One; live by my laws, observe my rulings, and obey them, and keep my Sanbat sacred; and they will be a sign between me and you, so that you will know that I am የወወህ your Mighty One.”
Leviticus 19:30 “Keep my Sanbat, and revere my sanctuary; I am የወወህ.”
The United Province Kingdom of የወወህ (UPKY) is a visionary province
being constructed as the designated location for the prestigious Chashah Monastery Parliament. This ambitious project is... (read more)
• UPKY Department of Agriculture •
UPKY concentrates on Agriculture for Tegaru...

The Department of Agriculture has been at the forefront of promoting progressive farming practices, food security, and protection of the environment. With a vision for the future, the department is committed to further... (read more)

• UPKY Chashah Mass University •
We communicate amongst the Tegaru diaspora...

CMU's educational framework begins at the elementary level, and extends all the way to the Ph.D. level. The primary objective of CMU is to facilitate growth and development of our people, with the aim of creating an economy that thrives on the... (read more)

• UPKY Office of Personnel Management •
Our Personnel Management helps you onboard...
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is propelled by a deep-seated objective to promote the assimilation of Tegaru into the Chashah community. OPM has devised a user-friendly navigating system, and this is just the beginning of... (read more)
• UPKY Int'l Park Reserve Conservancy •
We will host wildlife conservation efforts...
IPRC is a wildlife preservation endeavor to revolutionize the UPKY by creating a haven where humans and animals coexist harmoniously and to promote the importance of environmental preservation... (read more)
Chashah Parliament
The Monastery provides social services and community management.
The Parliament operates under theocratic regulations in alliance
with the United States Constitution. Our unification with America is a key element for success to assist the Chashah community.
Personnel Discrimination Complaints: Chashah Monastery Parliament (CMP) does not discriminate on the basis of any Ethiopian ethnicity within CMP and the administration of its programs or activities. To learn more, or file a complaint, contact us at . The option for anonymity is available for anyone making a complaint.
1140-Form: Exemption
1160-Form: Exemption
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