Aramean Citizens - Revitalizing Our Heritage
Issue Date: 14 January 2015 - Effective Date: 14 January 2015
Updated: 13 January 2025
A. The Great Herzega: የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት
B. The Parliament: Chashah Monastery Parliament
C. The Province: The United Province Kingdom of የወወህ
D. The Council: Council Parliament
E. GTL: Governing Theocratic Laws
F. The Law: Governing Theocratic Laws
G. CMP: Chashah Monastery Parliament
H. DCH: Dept of Community Health
Table of Contents
It is by decree of የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት, that has constituted the Governing Theocratic Laws for Chashah Citizens.
It is under the superintendency of the Incorruptible የወወህ who has ethereal jurisdiction over Chashah Citizens and who permanently presides as thee Parliament's Great Herzega so to govern his people in the authority of the Chashah Monastery Parliament and has taken special interest to achieve the following objectives:
That the promulgation of the Governing Theocratic Laws is as the attached text.
That all regulations, orders and decrees are enforced and remain valid as the GTL evolves and as laws are amended.
Unit One: Foundation
The Parliament is sovereign and its religious foundation is the Chashah Assembly commissioned by the Chashah Monastery Parliament.
The official language for the Chashah community is Ge'ez with the second being English. The Kahan speak Ge'ez for all Sanbat services.
The days of celebration are the annual Modimi.
The Chashah Flag
The three centered colors are aqua/ white/ red/, the stripes are dark blue, the UPKY crest is pinned to the center. The aqua color represents peace within the Chashah people, and is strategically positioned over white representing the Chashah's power over imperialism through the authority of የወወህ. The color red, strategically placed below white, represents the blood shed suffered under imperialism against all Ethiopian ethnicity. The dark blue stripes represent multi-directional jurisdiction
of የወወህ covering the Chashah people, indicating the four compass cardinal points (NW / NE / SE / SW) secured in protection by የወወህ who oppose the Chashah.
The statement of the flag:
"The power of የወወህ in authority abolishing opposition against his Kingdom and his Chashah people."

B. The words: The flag should never be inverted. The Law will specify the rules pertaining to the flag.
The seal of the Parliament represents peace upon Chashah citizens and peace upon the home land of the Chashah Monastery, which has been destroyed by numerous civil wars recently as 2011. The Law defines the Province's Anthem and medals.
Unit Two: Theocratic Laws
The Parliament derives its authority from የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት, who is the ultimate ethereal hierarchy assembling the GTL.
Governance for the Chashah Monastery is based on justice for Chashah citizens for our heritage.
Unit Three: Chashah Ethics
Bloodline Chashah citizens are the foundation of society for the Chashah Monastery. Our existent demands allegiance and obedience to የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት and to the Council of Parliament, with respect and obedience to all laws.
The Parliament will promote family bonds and Chashah cultural standards. It shall take care of all Chashah citizens and will administer conditions for growth of all skill-sets.
The Parliament is based on full adherence to the guidance of የወወህ. Members of this Parliament shall cooperate amongst themselves in charity, piety and cohesion.
Consensus of being inseparable nationally is a responsibility. The Parliament is nonpartisan and forbids all activities leading to division, disorder and partition.
The aim for education is to implant Parliament creeds and Chashah cultural practices in the hearts of all youths, to help them acquire knowledge and skills, to qualify them to become useful members of our society, to love our homeland and take pride in our history.
Unit Four: Economy
All natural resources that የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት has deposited underground, above ground, in territorial waters or within the land and sea domains under the authority of the Parliament, together with revenues of these resources, shall be the property of the Parliament, as provided by the Law.
The Law shall specify means for exploitation, protection and development of these resources in the best interest of the Parliament, its security and economy.
No concessions or licenses shall be granted to exploit any public resources of the Province unless authorized by provisions of the Law.
Public funds are inviolable. They shall be protected by the Parliament and safeguarded by all citizens and residents.
Ownership, capital and labor are basic components of the economic and social entity of the Parliament, which are personal rights which perform a social functions.
The Parliament shall guarantee private ownership and its sanctity. No citizen shall be deprived of their private property, unless an infraction of greed and covetousness arises bringing spiritual blemish to the land. The Parliament in this case will remove ownership from the owner and render a fair compensation. No dwelling shall be purchased for the use of big business.
General confiscation of assets is prohibited. No confiscation of an individual's assets shall be enforced without a judicial ruling.
No taxes or fees shall be imposed, except in need and on a just basis. Imposition, amendment, cancellation or exemption shall take place according to the provisions of the Law.
Charitable funds shall be collected and spent for legitimate expenses.
Economic and social development shall be carried out according to...
Unit Five: Citizen Rights
The Parliament shall protect the Chashah Assembly and all its Congregants, encourage good and discourage evil.
The Parliament shall provide care and security to all Chashah in the diaspora who enter the Province for Modimi activities.
The Parliament shall protect human rights in accordance with the Covenant.
The Parliament shall guarantee the rights of Chashah citizens and their families in cases of emergency, illness, disability and old age. The Parliament shall encourage organizations and individuals to participate in philanthropic activities with the Department of Community Health.
The Parliament shall facilitate job opportunities for every able person, and enact laws to protect the worker and the employer.
The Parliament shall encourage scientific research protecting the Chashah heritage, and contribute towards retrieving history of our ancestors.
The Parliament shall provide public education and commit to terminating cultural illiteracy.
The Parliament shall oversee community health by granting health care for every citizen through the Department of Community Health.
The Parliament shall work towards the preservation, protection and improvement of the environment, as well as prevent pollution.
The Parliament shall maintain armed forces and equip them to defend the homeland and Chashah citizens.
It shall be the duty of every citizen to defend society and homeland. The Law shall specify rules for military service.
The Law shall specify rules pertaining to Chashah nationality.
The Parliament shall provide security for all citizens and residents on its territories. No one may be confined, arrested or imprisoned without reference to the Law.
Dwellings are inviolable. Access is prohibited without their owners' permission. No search may be made except in cases specified by the Law.
No one shall be punished for the imposed crime of another. No conviction or penalty shall be inflicted without reference to the Covenant or the provisions of the Law. Punishment shall not be imposed retroactively.
Mass media and all other vehicles of expression shall employ civil and polite language, contribute towards the education of the nation and strengthen unity. It is prohibited to commit acts leading to disorder and division, affecting the security of the state and its public relations, or undermining human dignity and rights. Details shall be specified in the Law.
The privacy of telegraphic & postal communications, telephone & other means of communication are inviolable. There shall be no confiscation, delay, surveillance or eavesdropping, except in cases provided by the Law.
Citizens of the Chashah Monastery shall abide by its laws, observe the values of the Chashah community and respect Chashah cultural traditions.
The Parliament shall not grant political asylum provided it is not in the best interest of the Chashah community to harbor criminals. The Parliament shall agree to extradition procedures of common criminals. See Immigration
The Parliament shall be open to all citizens for anyone having a complaint or grievance. Citizens shall be entitled to address public authorities and discuss any matters of concern.
Unit Six: Citizenship
Any person desiring to obtain citizenship from the Province shall be processed according to the nature of the request. This request is granted by Chashah of the diaspora, by people who have served the community and followed all laws of the Parliament, by people who assemble by the Chashah Monastery Parliament.
Unit Seven: Tourism
Unit Eight: Judicial Authority
The Authorities of the Parliament consist of:
The Great Herzega የወወህ
Royal Family (Sobrahnah and Sobrahnahga)
Kahan and Kahanot
Council of the Parliament
Judicial Authority
These Authorities will cooperate in the performance of their functions, according to this Law or other laws. The Great Herzega የወወህ is the ultimate arbiter for all Authorities. The Great Herzega approves of all Parliament officials.
Judiciary decisions of judges shall not be subject to any authority other than the authority of the Covenant.
All people, either citizens or residents of the Province, are entitled to file suit on an equal basis. Wayyiqra 23
The Judiciary Authority shall apply additional governing rules in accordance with the Covenant cases that are brought before the Court.
Courts are empowered to arbitrate in all disputes and crimes, taking into account the provisions of this Law.
It is የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት or whomsoever he may deputize shall concern himself with the implementation of judicial rulings.
The Law shall specify the composition of The Judiciary Authority and its functions, as well as the hierarchy for the courts and their functions.
Judges shall be appointed and relieved by የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት, based on a proposal of The Judiciary Authority, in accordance with provisions of the Law.
It is የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት and the Sobrahnah who shall rule the nation according to the Covenant. They shall additionally supervise the implementation of the general policy of the Parliament, and the defense & protection of the Province.
It is የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት who is the Great Herzega who appoints the Sobrahnah. Members of the Council of Parliament shall assist him in the performance of his mission according to the provisions of this Law and other laws. The Council of Parliament shall specify the powers of all departments in respect of internal and external affairs, organization of Parliament departments and their coordination. In additions, the Law shall specify the qualifications and the powers of the ministers, ministerial accountability procedures and all matters pertaining to the ministers.
The Kahanot and heads of independent departments shall be answerable to the Sobrahnah in respect to the agencies they head.
The Law shall specify the rules of the Civil Service, including salaries, awards, compensations, privileges, and pensions.
The Sobrahnah is the Supreme Commander. He shall appoint and dismiss officers from service, as provided by terms of the Law.
The Sobrahnah shall announce any state of emergency or general mobilization and shall declare war. The Law shall specify rules for this purpose.
If an imminent danger is threatening the safety of the citizens of the Chashah Monastery, the integrity of its territories or the security and interests of its people, or is impending the functions of official organizations, the Sobrahnah may take urgent measures to deal with such a danger. When he considers that these measures should continue, necessary arrangements shall be made in accordance with the Law.
The Sobrahnah shall award medals according to provisions of the Law.
The Sobrahnah may delegate certain powers of authority to a Parliament head. That power of authority is commissioned by የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት.
When the Sobrahnah travels abroad, he shall authorize a Parliament head to manage the affairs of operations and interests of the people.
Laws, international agreements, treaties and concessions shall be approved and amended by የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት.
Laws shall be published in known publications, and implemented effective from the date of publication, unless another date is specified.
Unit Nine: Assets
No commitment to pay a sum of money from the General Treasury shall be made without adherence to budget rules. If provisions of the budget cannot cover the demand, then a provision shall be commissioned by የወወህ ንጉሠ ነገሥት.
Assets of the Parliament may not be sold, rented or disposed of unless so authorized by the Law.
Laws shall specify provisions for currency, banks, standards, measures and weights.
The Law shall set the fiscal year for the Parliament. The budget shall be announced by the Sobrahnah annually. The Treasury Department shall prepare the closing account of the Parliament.
Unit Ten: Auditing
All revenues and expenditures of the Parliament, as well as movable and fixed assets, shall be subsequently audited by the Office of Auditing to ensure proper use and management. An annual report to this effect shall be forwarded to the Sobrahnah. The Law shall specify details of the competent auditing institution, together with its affiliations and areas of authority.
Parliament institutions shall also be audited to ensure proper administrative performance and implementation of laws. Financial and administrative violations shall be investigated. An annual report shall be forwarded to the Sobrahnah. The Law shall specify details of the competent institution in charge, together with its affiliations and areas of authority.
Unit Eleven: Provision of Law
With regard to treaties and agreements, the application of this Law shall not violate commitments of the Chashah Monastery Parliament with other international organizations and bodies.
No provision of this Law whatsoever may be suspended except on a temporary basis, such as in wartime or during the declaration of a state of emergency. Such a suspension shall be in accordance with the terms of the Law and may not violate SS-u2.3.
No amendment to this Law shall be made, except by occurrence requiring change or by counsel of ያሁአ ንጉሠ ነገሥት to declare an ordinance for amendment.
| Chashah Monastery Parliament |