Aramean Citizens - Revitalizing Our Heritage
Activities: Celebration.
NEW MOON - 4/08/2024
CHASHAH NEW YEAR - 4/09/2024 First Day Month-New Year
Procedures: N/A
PASSOVER - 4/22/2024
Procedures: Starts at sunset
Do NOT buy store bought lamb, chemical processing blemishes the lamb.
Do NOT eat lamb unless you have raised and terminated the lamb yourself for preparation of PassOver.
You will confess your sins to have a clean heart to prepare for a spiritual cleansing. The head of the home shall wash every ones feet of the home directly after each confession.
Rid of all leavened product before twilight in preparation for Unleavened Bread.
At twilight (30 minutes before Nautical sunset) start PassOver.
Eat bitter herbs, unleavened bread and drink. Wine & liquor are prohibited, use cherry or grape concentrate.
Remember the day you (your ancestors) left the land of Egypt for the rest of your life.
If there is a full moon during Feast Days, the Shofar must be blown.
Note: Again, rid of all leavened products in your home this day in preparation for Unleavened Bread at sunrise.
FEAST of UNLEAVENED BREAD - 4/23-29/2024
Leviticus 23:6 On the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread to የወወህ. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.
Procedures: No work April 23th & 29th
7 days of celebration - Read Exodus 12:14
Start all seven days with pleading to የወወህ for removal of sins, bad habits, corrupt mindset, personal practices, ideologies and Babylonian ways
After pleading to የወወህ, eat Unleavened Bread a representation of cleansing
Psalms 81:4 "Sound the Shofar on the new moon for all Feast Days."
Bring an offering made by fire for five days, excluding the two high Sanbat.
On the 1st and 7th days there should be no intimacy with spouse because its a Sanbat.
Do NOT afflict your body with fasting because all seven days are celebratory events.
All 7 days there shall be NO occupational working, meaning not working on the job.
One can make purchases on days 2-6, but not on the 1st or 7th day of Unleavened Bread. If there is a Sanbat during Unleavened Bread, one must recognize it.
The 1st and 7th days are like Sanbat Days, but food can be cooked on all days except if one of the Feast Days fall on a regular Sanbat.
On the 7th day, conduct a festive assembly (congregate/ dance/ feast together).
If there is a full moon cycle during Feast Days, the shofar must be blown.
NEW MOON - 5/07/2024
NEW MOON - 6/06/2024
FEAST of WEEKS - 6/16/2024 No work
-Deuteronomy 26:18 “And የወወህ has caused you to proclaim today (this day for us) to be His people, a treasured possession, as He has spoken to you and to guard all his commands.”
The objective is to give away your best food/crops (first fruit) to the needy or to another source.
Give free will offering (first fruits/dehydrated fruit) Deuteronomy 16:10
This is a Sanbat: No laborious work, no cooking, no cleaning, no intimacy with spouse
Read Exodus 34:22-24
Read all of Deuteronomy 26
Read the Covenant regarding Boaz and Ruth
NEW MOON - 7/05/2024
NEW MOON - 8/04/2024
NEW MOON - 9/02/2024
NEW MOON - 10/02/2024
MEMORIAL of TRUMPETS 10/03/2024 No work
-Numbers 29:1 "In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you are to have a holy convocation; do not do any kind of ordinary work; it is a day of blowing the Shofar for you."
On the Eve of Feast of Trumpets, search the sky to see if the new moon has started (slither stage).
Blowing of the Shofar. It's a Sanbat
1 Hour Prayer - Start the Prayer with blowing Shofar, end Prayer with blowing shofar towards the last minutes of the hour
Procedures: Starts sunset on 10/11/2024 - Ends sunset 10/12/2024
At 1500hrs, prepare your house for sundown
Start fast at sunset, 24 hour dry fast (no food)
This is a Sanbat
Start the next day wearing white attire
Read Isaiah 58:6
Confess, forgive, repent for all sins & give thanks. It’s a Sanbat
No affectionate touching or intimacy with spouse so to concentrate on የወወህ
no intimacy with spouse/ no cooking/ no cleaning/ no working
Read Leviticus 23:28-32
Pray and praise the last hour
Prepare for Feast of Booths - Assemble your tent or build a Sukkah in advance.
FEAST of BOOTHS 10/17-10/23/2024 Dwell in booths 7 Days.
Procedures: No work on 10/17/2024 and
You should NOT conduct business all seven days of Sukkot.
The 1st & 8th days are Sanbat, but in the middle of these days you can cook for the festivals.
Note: የወወህ requires to not conduct occupational business during Feast of Booths. You can perform daily functions such as wash dishes, cook, clean booth, make a fire, shower.
Dwell in Booths outside for 7 days/ cook outside
On the eve of Feast of Booths, tent must be assembled to sleep and awake in the Booth
No Laborious work on 1st and 8th day
On the first day, gather choice fruit and thick branches for celebrating የወወህ (Leviticus 23:40)
All cooking is to be done outside
Burnt offering to የወወህ by fire is done only by Seigneur Kahen
Start each day in worship to የወወህ
If there is a full moon cycle during Feast Days, the shofar must be blown.
LAST GREAT DAY - 10/24/2024 (Represents Judgement)
Procedures: No work on 10/24/2024
Value this day as a Sanbat.
NEW MOON - 11/01/2024