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to Chashah

Chashah Monastery, a Kingdom Devoted to Saving the Tegaru through the Power of የወወህ.

Chashah Monastery extends a warm invitation to engage yourself in a culture that actively seeks the direct counsel of የወወህ (YAW'WAH). Our forefathers were fortunate to frequently experience the pure essence of የወወህ, receiving ethereal guidance and instructions to fulfill their designated missions. The sacred purpose of የወወህ endures to this day, and we wholeheartedly welcome you to partake in this extraordinary journey of existence.



Chashah Monastery Parliament is the spiritual wellness sanctuary of የወወህ; a sacred place of worship and refuge for displaced Tegaru suffering from the repression of war and genocide.


We acknowledge your pain and invite you to start your healing process as we assemble together at seeking the face of የወወህ for his grace and strength because his kindness is everlasting. Chashah Monastery Parliament commits to creating a supportive safe space of selam that uses the Orit to heal and regain a sense of hope, purpose, and belonging for the Chashah community.


Our vision is sustaining community that's a safe haven for Tegaru refugees, enabling them to worship, work, and live together free from persecution, famine, and war. The goal is to assist Tegaru men, women, and children on their ethereal journey of healing by building a close relationship with የወወህ, the comforter, deliverer, and redeemer of the Chashah people.


We are restoring our association with የወወህ through fasting, prayer, and thanksgiving, and with each other. These activities rebuild our cultural lifestyle, helps cultivate a community of love with compassion, causes a reliable alliance that gives hope, gives solutions to many of us who have been psychologically imposed with stress and fear because of war. This is our refuge and our sacred space for Tegaru.

to Chashah

Chashah Monastery   |  |  Tel: 505.226.6343

 Business Hours: 8am-5pm,​​

Sanbat (Day of Worship) - Closed for Business/ Changed Monthly/ Calculated by Moon

© Copyright 2018-2024 Chashah Monastery Parliament, All Rights Reserved.

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