Aramean Citizens - Revitalizing Our Heritage
-The Kahen of the Monastery
Isaiah 43:11 “I, yes I, am የወወህ; besides me there is no deliverer.”
Ezekiel 20:19-20 “I am የወወህ your Mighty One; live by my laws, observe my rulings, and obey them, and keep my Sanbat sacred; and they will be a sign between me and you, so that you will know that I am የወወህ your Mighty One.”
Leviticus 19:30 “Keep my Sanbat, and revere my sanctuary; I am የወወህ.”
We observe our Sanbat (weekly worship day) by calculation of the moon, which changes monthly. The Kahen speak Ge'ez on at all Sanbat services. The monastery has staff to assist the Kahen in worship and intercession for individuals in central locations. The worship center dwells in the presence of የወወህ and is aligned with turning the hearts of Ethiopia back towards የወወህ.
We provide a place of worship to celebrate የወወህ. The worship center is open for scheduled prayer sessions for individuals or small groups of up to 10 people, as well as unscheduled prayer sessions for individual visitors. Additionally, the Kahen offers a daily 30-minute lecture and prayer sessions throughout the week. For Chashah congregants, the worship center focuses on Inner Ethereal Transcendent Analysis (IETA), along with ancestral customs, to revitalize lost heritage.
There are no chairs available in the worship center because its primary purpose is for worshiping የወወህ on their knees or laying prostrate. All attendees shall stand during lectures, but comfy place mats are made available for disabled and elderly visitors who can't stand the entire lecture.
The worship center's foundation is built by an ethereal pathway inspired by የወወህ for the Chashah community. This worship center is where የወወህ has placed his name for reestablishing the ancient beliefs and customs of the Chashah people. The worship center is not simply an organization, but a place of solitude nestled in a beautiful mountainous region for those seeking to commune in the presence of የወወህ.
to Chashah
Chashah Monastery | | Tel: 505.226.6343
Business Hours: 8am-5pm,
Sanbat (Day of Worship) - Closed for Business/ Changed Monthly/ Calculated by Moon
© Copyright 2018-2025 Chashah Monastery Parliament, All Rights Reserved.