Aramean Citizens - Revitalizing Our Heritage
What is ChashaPedia?
ChashaPedia is a Chashah based encyclopedia for all Habesha peoples, and for the recording of our Bet Ezra'El cultural history. There are an extreme amount of contradictory narratives throughout social media and encyclopedias world wide about Ethiopians, so it's important to provide illustration of how we are the bloodline of Bet Ezra'El Dynasties.
ChashaPedia chronological experiences are not generated by hearsay circumstances, they are factual occurrences of Bet Ezra'El lifestyles and practices. This forum is not a source of reasoning or a reference to insert inaccuracies, but focuses on events that are verified by Ethiopian Chronicles and the Ethereal knowledge of የወወህ. ChashaPedia exhibits the many experiences of Bet Ezra'El Kings, Queens and the people that fulfill their duties under their Monarchies, demonstrating the untold experiences of our culture.
Cultural Inaccuracies
Accounts provided by proclaimed historians have sparked significant apprehension due to their documented inaccuracies pertaining to Ethiopians. Our research identifies that historians are producing, what they call themselves, fringe science, which does not effectively illustrate practices that reflect elements of our true history. Over time, the narrative constructed by individuals, who are not of our culture, has been inappropriately reconstructed to present a specific demographic as superior, thus casting a shadow over our existence, depicting us as inferior. This has led to distortion of historical significance of who we are.
The name Ezra'El does not derive from, and is not affiliated with the landmass of Israel or its people. The title of Ezra'El is a regnal sobriquet designated for Bet Ezra'El Kings, Emperors and the citizens of the kingdoms that was never a landmass, and is never imparted to the masses. After the fall of the Axum Empire, Chashah Bet Ezra'El Ethiopians were dismembered into sub-identities and were named as Bilen & Saho from Eritrea, the Irob/ Gurage/ Tegaru from Tigrai, the Qemant & Agau from Gondar, and the Muhamasheen from Yemen, which Yemen was once a part of Ethiopia. Being devalued as tribes has destroyed our youth's inspiration to maintain preservation of the lineage and heritage to our kinsmen who were great Kings, and this was done by imposing exonyms that has reduced us to mere tribal identities causing fragmentation amongst our people.
We encounter verbal attacks and hate-email from random users who have no compassion for our historical data that dispels skepticism regarding Ethiopians being the foundational populace of the earth. These random attacks are evidence
of exasperation from disgruntled individuals that despise our existence, and do not want our data exhibited because of counter-missions to prove that our inaugural tenancy did not precede them, when in fact, Ethiopians are the predominant existence of life.
ChashaPedia is a journal for combating misconception, not a platform for debate. Our historical data promotes understanding and unity advocating awareness of Ethiopian kingdoms and the people who still exist today from these kingdoms.
In summary, ChashaPedia represents an invaluable syllabus of Ethereal culture and traditions meticulously curated
by Chashah Bet Ezra'El Ethiopians. It is documentation of our heritage displaying an array of experienced narratives that have endured through generations.
Content Approval
ChashaPedia is not an open forum, it is an archive of documentation provided through Ethiopian Chronicles and events.
We have discovered a myriad of unreliable sources about Bet Ezra'El, thus the inception of ChashaPedia.
All content approved for ChashaPedia is governed by the Supreme Judiciary Council, which retains ancient Ethiopian Chronicles of Chashah Bet Ezra'El.